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「全面回忆」经典科幻电影插画设计/「Total Recall」 Movie Illustrations

「全面回忆」经典科幻电影插画设计/「Total Recall」Classic Sci-Fi Movie Illustrations
《Total Recall》 is a 1990 science fiction action film directed by Paul Verhoeven and starring Arnold Schwarzenegger. The film is based on Philip K. Dick's short story "We Can Remember It for You Wholesale" and tells the story of an ordinary worker, Douglas, who visits the "virtual travel" company Rekall because of his inner desire for adventure on Mars. However, an accident occurs during the operation, and Douglas's memory seems to have been altered. He discovers that he may be a dangerous spy. The film combines elements of science fiction, action, and thriller, exploring the boundaries between reality and virtuality, as well as the complexity of memory and identity.
This film was my science fiction initiation, especially the mutants on Mars had a huge impact on my childhood. I pay tribute to this film with illustrations in a retro comic style. I hope you like it.

「全面回忆」经典科幻电影插画设计/「Total Recall」 Movie Illustrations


「全面回忆」经典科幻电影插画设计/「Total Recall」 Movie Illustrations
